Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Calvin Michiels 
Blog #3 

Changing a tire 

       First you must have the correct equipment for the up coming challenge. you will need the correct sized wrench for the lug nuts on your car, a car jack, and a spare tire which should all be located in the vehicle. usually in the trunk under a hidden compartment. Once you have all the correct items you can either take off the hub cab if you have one and begin to loosen the lug nuts. Make sure you do not take them completely off of the threaded portion. Now that you have all of the lugs loosened you can insert the car jack underneath the axle closest to the flat tire. Begin to jack up the vehicle until it has just risen off of the ground. Anything over 3 inches and you have gone too far and should decrease the height of the vehicle. After this has been done you can now begin to take the lug nuts completely off of the flat tire. When all of the lugs are removed you may remove the flat tire and place it into the back of the car. Carefully put the spare tire onto the car and make sure you look for the rotational arrow that is printed onto the side of the tire. You can then begin to rethread the lugs onto the spare tire, do not tighten them all the way down at this moment. Release the car jack so the vehicle slowly drops back down to the ground. Now you can start to fully tighten the lug nuts in a start pattern until you have gone around the lug nuts 3 complete times to ensure a completely even level of torque. At this time you are done, make sure you pick up all tools and get to your local automotive shop as fast as possible. Spare tires are not meant for long distances of travel. 

Calvin  Michiels 
Blog # 2


Inception by far is my favorite movie of all time. This is my favorite movie because it send my mind for a roller coaster ride and you actually have to pay attention to the movie to fully understand it. I like how the movie ends as well, it leaves you at a point of guess and it all depends on how well you either followed along with the movie or understood it.  A lot of people don't like movies like this because they say it challenges there brain to much.  For me it's just the opposite, when a movie starts challenging my brain it gets my full attention and i must watch the entire thing. 

I usually watch movies that have a lot of action in them. Guns and fast cars and explosions and fight scenes are usually what i watch just because thats the type of person i am. I feel like i respond to movies more in cultural examples, if the moral story of the movie is interesting i will more than likely watch the entire movie just because it got me interested by the story its presenting. For a prime example the movie Inception is about dreams and how you can go so deep into dreams that you can possibly control the future.  Now for me even reading that sentence i am extremely interested in more information about it. It also has a very fast pace to it so you must follow along well. There are great graphics to some portions of the movie and there are also a few gun fights and car chases.

Calvin Michiels
Blog #1

Brief Screening Report
Hunger Games

The scene from the movie that I think is the most important is when Catnis and Peter both hear over the announcing system that if the last two people to survive are from the same district they will both be announced the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games. At this point they are both in pretty rough shape, Catnis has no food and has just lost her fellow teammate that she was working with and Peter has a sever sword wound on one of his legs that is beginning to get infected. Neither of them have the energy to fight off any more enemies, so for a while all the remaining people are just hiding out and hoping that the others will die off. Peter is rewarded with some medicine that will help his wounded leg heal overnight. Catnis and Peter decide to camp it out in a cave for the night and hope they can make it another day. The people running the Hunger Games realize no action is happening so they decide to send out a couple of vicious dogs to see if they can kill some of the remaining contestants. They are successful with this, but in the end it wasn’t a very good idea because now Peter and Catnis are trying to fight very hard to be the last two people left in the game. Towards the end they get another announcement saying they were just kidding about the whole thing, they say only one person can be ruled the winner of the 74th annual Hunger Games. Peter and Catnis are way too close to each other and are not willing to kill one another so what they plan to do is eat some poison berries so that they both die so that there isn’t even a winner. The people in charge recognize what their plan is and decide at the last moment that they are just going to let them both be the winners. This all happens within the last ten minutes of the movie and I find it the most important because it’s where they realize that they really like each other. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Brief Screening

Calvin Michiels
Brief Screening Report
Hunger Games

The scene from the movie that I think is the most important is when Catnis and Peter both hear over the announcing system that if the last two people to survive are from the same district they will both be announced the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games. At this point they are both in pretty rough shape, Catnis has no food and has just lost her fellow teammate that she was working with and Peter has a sever sword wound on one of his legs that is beginning to get infected. Neither of them have the energy to fight off any more enemies, so for a while all the remaining people are just hiding out and hoping that the others will die off. Peter is rewarded with some medicine that will help his wounded leg heal overnight. Catnis and Peter decide to camp it out in a cave for the night and hope they can make it another day. The people running the Hunger Games realize no action is happening so they decide to send out a couple of vicious dogs to see if they can kill some of the remaining contestants. They are successful with this, but in the end it wasn’t a very good idea because now Peter and Catnis are trying to fight very hard to be the last two people left in the game. Towards the end they get another announcement saying they were just kidding about the whole thing, they say only one person can be ruled the winner of the 74th annual Hunger Games. Peter and Catnis are way too close to each other and are not willing to kill one another so what they plan to do is eat some poison berries so that they both die so that there isn’t even a winner. The people in charge recognize what their plan is and decide at the last moment that they are just going to let them both be the winners. This all happens within the last ten minutes of the movie and I find it the most important because it’s where they realize that they really like each other. 

The Setting of Horror Movies

Calvin Michiels 

Horror Movies

           Horror movies almost all have the same general setup and all follow basically the same theme or plot. There is always a group of kids or maybe just one person by themselves and its always dark and mysterious. The setting is almost always the same, they are either in a house in the middle of nowhere or at a family cabin also out in the middle of nowhere. Its always dark at the moment when the movie has reached its most scary time, because things usually aren't as frightening when its light out. The characters usually end up running away but in the end get caught by whatever it is they are running from. The general horror movie is almost impossible for me to watch because they are so predictable, the characters in the movie all seem to be dumbfounded by the noises they hear or stuff they see. There is a simple answer to all of there problems in the end, just leave wherever it is you are. 

Realism - Anti-Realism

My Understanding

           I feel that realism is anything that happens in our world that has been factually proven or in history. For example things like movies on WWI, or the bombing of Pearl Harbor. When movies are focused on realism they usually take thing from our world that are somewhat believable and people would have an easy time understanding and believing. Anti-realism on the other hand is anything that we believe is not real or fake in other words. A good example of this is any movie that has to do with the world being taken over, like Men In Black. Another example is when aliens come to the earth like in ET. these movies are all non-realistic and people understand that these things will more than likely never happen. Verisimilitude is the difference in theory on how close one movie compared to the other movie is to the truth. What actually makes a movie real in our eyes? It all depends on your beliefs and how you perceive the movie. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fav. Movie


Inception by far is my favorite movie of all time. This is my favorite movie because it send my mind for a roller coaster ride and you actually have to pay attention to the movie to fully understand it. I like how the movie ends as well, it leaves you at a point of guess and it all depends on how well you either followed along with the movie or understood it.  A lot of people don't like movies like this because they say it challenges there brain to much.  For me it's just the opposite, when a movie starts challenging my brain it gets my full attention and i must watch the entire thing. 

I usually watch movies that have a lot of action in them. Guns and fast cars and explosions and fight scenes are usually what i watch just because thats the type of person i am. I feel like i respond to movies more in cultural examples, if the moral story of the movie is interesting i will more than likely watch the entire movie just because it got me interested by the story its presenting. For a prime example the movie Inception is about dreams and how you can go so deep into dreams that you can possibly control the future.  Now for me even reading that sentence i am extremely interested in more information about it. It also has a very fast pace to it so you must follow along well. There are great graphics to some portions of the movie and there are also a few gun fights and car chases.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How to....

Calvin Michiels
Kara Kasmarek
Tyler Tennies
How to Make a Snowman

                  Making a snowman is commonly mistaken as an easy project. Most people take it for granted that they even have the chance to make a snowman. 50% of the United States doesn’t even receive snow because it’s way too warm out in the winter season. Some people go their entire lives without even seeing a single snowflake or getting to play around in the white wonder. This information only pertains to people who receive significant amounts of snowfall. We will inform you how to make the biggest, coolest, most radical snowman on the face of the earth.

                  First, you must wait for a very snowy day. After there was a nice snowfall the day or night before, go outside and check the consistency of the snow. If the snow is packy and easily made into snow balls, it is ready for a snow man. Before you go out and make it you must collect your materials. Grab two sticks, a scarf, a top hat, seven pieces of coal, three buttons, and a tobacco pipe. After you have gathered your materials, put on your snow gear and get outside!


                 After you have adapted to the cool weather start rolling a ball in the snow.  Keep rolling this ball of snow until it is about up to your hip. After you have created the first ball, you must move on and create another ball. For the second ball you should roll it just like the first however make it about 3/4ths the size and make sure you will be able to lift it. As soon as you are done rolling that ball, place it on top of the first ball. Finally make one more ball. This ball should be about ½ the size of the second ball.  When the third ball is rolled, place it on top of the second ball. You now have created the outline of the snowman. To make sure the snowman is sturdy; make sure you pack snow around where the balls meet each other. This will make sure your snowman doesn’t fall over.



When the outline of the snowman is done, it is time to add the materials to make your snowman a man. The first part of giving your snowman personality is by adding the face. Take two pieces of coal and put them on the smallest and highest snow ball. Place them on the ball so they look like eyes. After the eyes are placed, it is time to place the nose. Take the carrot and put it in the center of the smallest and highest ball. This is the snowman’s nose. Take the last five pieces of coal and create the snowman’s smile. Make an arc that is facing upward to achieve this look. Finally, we get to the last piece of the face, the pipe. Place the pipe into the smile. Anywhere on the smile will be fine. You now have created the face and all you have left to do is to add the scarf, button, top hat, and arms.

              First, grab the two sticks from your pile of stuff. Put one stick in the left side of the middle ball. Do the same with the other stick but on the right side. These sticks should look like the snowman’s arms. Next take the scarf and wrap it around the snowman’s “neck” (this is the space between the top snowball and the middle snowball).  Make sure to wrap it tight so the snowman stays warm! Take the three buttons and on the middle snowball, find the center. Create a straight, vertical line with the buttons. Leave about a three inch gap between each button. Find the top hat and place it on top of the snowman.  Take a step back and enjoy your masterpiece. Finally, take a picture of your big, cool, radical snowman.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Journal #2

Your Decisions

            In present day gaming there are now games that allow you to have total control on the outcome of the game.  Instead of there being a basic line that has to be followed like the classic form of video games, they are asking for the gamer to answer questions which can effect the game in the future. In the article The Good, the Bad, and the Moral: An Exploration of Ethical Questions in the Gaming World by Stephen Beirne it says that the popularity of these types of games is increasing rapidly. I think its pretty cool that video games are trying to make a change and actually try to challenge the gamer and make them decide on certain things that can affect you in the long run.  On the other hand I think it may make some big time gamers frustrated when all they want to do is play this new cool video game, but it just takes way to much time and effort to play. In my opinion I don’t think games are very fun at all, when I want to play a video game all I want to do is throw it in and start playing until I loose or get sick of it. When the game starts to throw questions at you and slows up the pace of it, that’s where I loose interest and no longer have interest in the game. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to change a tire on a vehicle

Changing a tire 

First you must have the correct equipment for the up coming challenge. you will need the correct sized wrench for the lug nuts on your car, a car jack, and a spare tire which should all be located in the vehicle. usually in the trunk under a hidden compartment. Once you have all the correct items you can either take off the hub cab if you have one and begin to loosen the lug nuts. Make sure you do not take them completely off of the threaded portion. Now that you have all of the lugs loosened you can insert the car jack underneath the axle closest to the flat tire. Begin to jack up the vehicle until it has just risen off of the ground. Anything over 3 inches and you have gone too far and should decrease the height of the vehicle. After this has been done you can now begin to take the lug nuts completely off of the flat tire. When all of the lugs are removed you may remove the flat tire and place it into the back of the car. Carefully put the spare tire onto the car and make sure you look for the rotational arrow that is printed onto the side of the tire. You can then begin to rethread the lugs onto the spare tire, do not tighten them all the way down at this moment. Release the car jack so the vehicle slowly drops back down to the ground. Now you can start to fully tighten the lug nuts in a start pattern until you have gone around the lug nuts 3 complete times to ensure a completely even level of torque. At this time you are done, make sure you pick up all tools and get to your local automotive shop as fast as possible. Spare tires are not meant for long distances of travel. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Close Game But Not A Close Call

Close Game But Not A Close Call

        In this post David basically states the fact that the Green Bay Packers were definitely robbed of a win because of the call made by the replacement refs.  He then goes on to say that the Seattle Seahawks should be ashamed of themselves for gloating after the ruling on the field stood as a touchdown. The outcome of the game cannot be changed whatsoever and both teams are just going to have to look past the call and move on.  

        I agree with David In the part where the Seattle Seahawks should not have boasted after the call was made. On the other hand the players did not ask for this call to be made and did not expect it to become this big of a deal. The players just went about there business like it was any other last minute play which happens in almost every single NFL football game. The refs made an extremely bad call but the average viewer does not know the facts on why it could not be reversed. One ref called a touchdown because of inexperience and therefore the ruling on the field was a touchdown and even though there was a booth review you cannot overturn a touchdown to an interception, it can only be ruled incomplete from that point and it was definitely not an incomplete pass. So therefore the refs had to go onto the field and stick with the call that was made on the field. It is a down right terrible way to lose a football game but there really was nothing that could be done about it. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Disconnected Response

Calvin Michiels


             The main goal here for the students was to see how long they could go without using a computer at all for any of there homework or any other thing they wanted to accomplish.  My main question was, why even try to do this?  Your computer is basically your life in the present day.  You can use it to pay off bills, check your e-mails, calendars, social networking, movies, and even the date or what time it is.  The students found out very quickly that they had a lot of extra time on their hands that they did not have prior to giving up there computers. They found themselves very bored and struggling to find things to do at first. One of the students had a job that required her to use a computer, now if this was actually your career in life it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to be giving up your computer for weeks at a time. Her boss said since its for another class he would let it slide and she could continue her job.
New Video Post
Sniper Time

My First Post
think outside the box